Lasting Power Of Attorney

Nobody likes to think that they may be incapable of making decisions for themselves or managing their own affairs, but the reality is that mental health can deteriorate with age.
A Lasting Power of Attorney is a legal document that allows you to appoint a friend or relative to make decisions on your behalf in case you are unable to make them for yourself.
For example, if you become mentally incapacitated through an accident or illness, such as a stroke or dementia, that person can make decisions about your health and finances for you.
We can offer you the expert advice needed to help you draw up an LPA to cover both or either your health and financial affairs.
Without a LPA in place, it may be difficult for your friends and relatives to access your money, pension or benefits and pay your bills as your bank account may be frozen. This could cause them unnecessary distress until a suitable LPA is appointed.

Pre Pay Funerals

The cost of the average funeral in the UK has soared in recent times to around £3,600, compared with £2,300 in 2006.
We can give you peace of mind that, when the time comes, your loved ones won’t be burdened with the cost of your funeral by organising a plan for you to pay for it in advance.

About us Do I need a will? Why use PWS? How it works What we offer FAQs

£8million - amount of cash
and property that went to
the Government last year
from those without a will.

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